3 Questions to Help You Finalize and Pursue Your 2021 Goals

By Paul Steinbrueck is co-founder and CEO of OurChurch.Com

Happy New Year!

Many people are celebrating that 2020 is finally over. It’s a year that will be remembered forever for the deadly coronavirus pandemic, racial tensions, riots, and the most divisive election in our lifetimes.

Unfortunately, turning the page on the calendar has not turned the page on the challenges many people and churches are facing.

  • New COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths are near record levels.
  • Many churches are still not meeting in person or are limiting capacity.
  • Many businesses are still closed or operating at reduced capacity.
  • Emotional hardships continue for many who have had their lives disrupted, are feeling isolated, or have lost loved ones.

If your COVID plan was to hunker down for a few months and then go back to the way things were, it’s pretty obvious…

That ain’t happening!

While there is new hope because vaccines have been approved and are starting to be distributed, it is going to take a long time before everyone who wants to be vaccinated gets a vaccine. Let’s also remember, we don’t know how long the vaccines will be effective or whether they will protect against new variations of the virus.

I’m not trying to bring you down, and I believe I’m being realistic when I say this: things will probably never go back to the way they were before the pandemic, and if they do, it certainly won’t happen this year.

January is the month many people and organizations set goals for the new year and launch plans and initiatives designed to reach those goals.

Here are 3 questions to help you finalize and pursue your 2021 goals

1)  In what ways do your 2021 goals and plans take into account that we’re probably not going to “snap back” to the way things were in a few months?

2)  In what ways do your 2021 goals and plans take into account that this is not just a hardship to be lamented, but an opportunity to bring help and hope to people in your church and your community who are hurting?

3)  How does your 2021 communications plan encourage people and point them to God, organize people to help one another, and restructure gatherings – online and offline – in ways that are safe and inclusive?

God has not hunkered down and put his plans on hold until the pandemic passes. He is searching for people and churches who love Him, trust Him, and will boldly follow Him to advance his kingdom.

Be one of those people!

Encourage your church to be one of those churches!

Paul Steinbrueck is co-founder and CEO of OurChurch.Com whose mission is to help Christian organizations live out their mission online. They do that through web design, web hosting, and SEO services. Paul lives with his wife and 3 teenage children in Safety Harbor, FL where he also serves as an elder with Journey Community Church and president of the Safety Harbor Soccer Club.

This article originally appeared on OurChurch.Com

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