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<p>Auburndale Community Church has members of all diversities. Pastor Brad Bennett was an amazing preacher who "got" it. His sermons resonated with faith and belief in our Lord. Since the untimely passing of Pastor Brad in December 2023 his grandson Pastor Clay Bennett carries on his footsteps. Our Vision: To develop a congregation of Christ-like people who are committed to winning people to Jesus, the healing of the hurting, and the changing of our community and world by demonstrating the love of Christ to everyone. Helping people finish well. We have King's Corner (Children Church.) at 10:30am Worship at 10:30am Wednesday Bible Study for all ages 6:30pm Celebrate Recovery meetings every Sunday evening Doors open at 5:00pm meal at 5:15pm followed by large group at 6:00 p.m. open share groups at 7:00 p.m. childcare is available for children up to the age of 12. Once you walk through the doors of Auburndale Community Church you are no longer a guest you are family. For live stream follow us on Facebook.

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