Etz Chayim Messianic Synagogue meets each Saturday morning, at 11:00 AM, for Shabbat Services at 4416 East County Rd 540-A in Lakeland, FL. For additional information, please call (863) 274-6141. At our Shabbat Services, you will be drawn into a Biblical form of praise and worship that glorifies God through Jewish Liturgy, Messianic Music, Davidic Dance, anointed teachings, and reverence for both the Old and New Covenants of Scripture. In addition, the Moedim, God’s Appointed Times (Holidays), are celebrated throughout the cycle of the Jewish calendar. Foremost, the Name of Yeshua is venerated, because He alone is “the way, the truth, and the life.” (John 14:6)
Blessings and Shalom,
Rabbi Yossi and Irene Laster