Family Calendar


Regal Railways Presents Model Train Show& Sale SATURDAY, APRIL 12,2025 US Army National Guard Armory Crystal River 8551 W. Venable Street Crystal River, FL 34429 Over 70 tables and vendors selling model trains of various gauges and accessories. There will be a running train layout(s) for the children to enjoy, a photo train engine photo booth for a great photo opportunity for parents to take pictures of their children as engineers. So come on out and bring your children, there is something for the whole family. Food Truck will be there with lunch and snacks for sale. Show is open 9am – 2pm Admission - $6.00 ( 9 – 2pm) adults, kids12 under are Free If you are interested in attending or becoming a vendor, and need more info, please contact Joe @ 727-244-1341