Moment of JOY

Finding Strength Through Joy
In Nehemiah 8:10, we see this phrase that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Have…

The Thrill Of Hope
It’s been just over two weeks since Christmas and still there is a line from an old…

Suddenly Christmas
When we got the news that Dave Cruse’s father had a massive heart attack, when we…

Called By Name
Several years back I emceed a concert featuring an artist who at one time was the…

We Remember
Summer is here! At least unofficially. Officially, summer begins on Wednesday June…

FriendRaiser Reflections
The JOY FM recently held our annual FriendRaiser and if you are a loyal listener,…

Candice's First Mother’s Day
Who knew my world could change overnight? If you’re a parent, or even if you’re not,…

Candice's First Mother’s Day
Who knew my world could change overnight? If you’re a parent, or even if you’re not,…

Defining Moments
There are moments in our lives that shape us, contribute to who we are, define us.…

Hold Your Hand
A few years ago, I had to get surgery on my right eye. This would be an outpatient…