Moment of JOY

The Music Of The Revolution
I saw the Jesus Revolution movie recently and I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed…

Golf and Jesus
I recently decided to pick up a new sport. Golf was always one of those things that…

God’s Goodness
Are you the kind of person who cringes when someone—a Christian, undoubtedly—answers…

Cheerful Giver
When my husband and I were about to have our first little girl, I was brushing my…

Reflections For The New Year
That week between Christmas and New Year can be a reflective time, for me at least.…

Falling in Love with Jesus
I grew up going to church. I mean like REALLY going to church. Sunday school every…

There Is Always A Need
For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You…

Identifying Idols
Over the years, I’ve heard idols described in many ways. Tim Keller says, “It’s…

Recount The Wonders
2022. The year God parted seas for my family and me. We could hear Pharaoh’s army…

Approaching Storms
We went on a family walk the other night. Well, it was more like a family stroll.…

The Heart of Worship
I am an unabashed New York Mets fan. I express my love for the Mets through wearing…
As Christians, when we think of forgiveness, we often think about all the ways we…