Moment of JOY

When A Plan Comes Together

When A Plan Comes Together

Jesus came to save us from our sin, to redeem us, to the pay the debt that we owed…



I went on a work trip recently, and it was one of those travel days where nothing…

Be Thankful for Everyone

Be Thankful for Everyone

Thanksgiving draws family members together around a table. Whether they are people…

A New Season

A New Season

I love fall! The holiday season begins, the air cools, and the leaves of the trees…

Taming the Tongue

Taming the Tongue

Ah yes, taming the tongue; one of the many challenges in our Christian walk, isn’t…

Be Amazed

Be Amazed

I often think back on a conversation I had with Russ Lee, probably 20 years ago or…



I had lunch with a friend the other week.  I hadn’t seen her in a few months and…

In the Midst Of Despair

In the Midst Of Despair

  It’s been one of those seasons in life for me with lots of struggles and sadness.…

We Trust In You

We Trust In You

COVID is still front and center in our thoughts, worries, and hopefully prayers as…

Rejoice In The Lord Always?

Rejoice In The Lord Always?

Recently, I walked into my office to find a handwritten note from a friend on my…

Empty Nest?

Empty Nest?

Have you noticed that when you get pregnant with your first child, everyone recommends…

How To Recognize Hope

How To Recognize Hope

What is hope? How do you define it, recognize it? “But now faith, hope, love, abide…