Being Light in the Darkness
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
John 1:5
I find so much joy in figuring things out. When I find understanding in something that was once confusing to me, I feel a sense of relief. It’s like finding a light switch on the wall after stumbling around in a dark room.
When we come to belief in Jesus, we switch on the “Light” in our life. Our lives are given meaning. We have found in Him faith, hope, and love. Since His light can never be overcome by darkness, we know that we have also found undeniable truth. The ultimate result of our enlightenment is peace that surpasses understanding.
There are people all around us who have never experienced peace in the way that Jesus gives it. We can see how they have searched for it in many worldly ways that offer temporary fixes, but the peace of God can never be matched.
What we have found in Him sheds light on a world plagued by darkness. As believers, we are called to be reflections of His light. We are witnesses to His power and we should share this good news. We can be confident in testifying to how our lives have been transformed by our Savior. Pray today for ways that you can reveal to others the source of the Light that is reflected in you.