Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
Let my restless soul be still and know
I am leaning on Your everlasting arms…
"Leaning" by Matt Maher
Life throws challenges at us. In my case, it was my wife being told that the non-profit she worked for didn't have enough money to pay her. We have been down this road a few times over the last few years with Nancy out of work. In the past, I have relied on myself trying to make the right choices to keep us afloat. Fear came over me, lost countless hours of sleep, and more often than not the choices I made were not good.
But not this time...
I am a slow leaner. I had heard countless times about trusting God and resting in Him. It’s not something that comes natural to me. This time, when Nancy broke the news, I did have fear start to creep in. Then, Nancy’s car needed major repairs. More anxiety. But then, a song came to mind that has become one of my favorites, “Leaning” by Matt Maher.
Based on the classic hymn, “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms,” the song is based on Deuteronomy 33:27-
The eternal God is your refuge, and his everlasting arms are under you.
Matt takes the hymn and expands on it. When you are struggling, fighting fear and tempted to make wrong choices, go to Him. Rest in God’s arms and fully trust Him. If you check out the full version of the song below, Matt starts with the chorus of the hymn-
I’m leaning, leaning
Safe and secure from all alarms…
We are safe with Him, whatever life throws at us. Allow God to protect you and guide you through those tough times. I needed those words. This time, I followed those words.
There was a sleepless night or two, but the fear that would consume me wasn’t there. I fully surrendered myself to God, turned to prayer and scripture when I felt anxious or impatient. I prayed for His will to be done, guide Nancy in her next steps, and helps us figure out what to do with the car.
God has provided, and walked along side us in each decision. Nancy is working some more hours and working towards her counseling certification. The car didn’t fare so well- it’s done. But, we are at peace with the decision and will make things work with two cars and three drivers. God has us in His everlasting arms.
I am learning more to lean on Him and stop relying on me. He wants this for me. He wants the same for you. If you are facing similar financial situations, relationship issues, or battling disease or addiction, lean on God. Know that He loves you, wants to guide you and put your mind at ease.
Spends a few minutes listening to the song below and lean on His everlasting arms!
In Christ’s love,