Sin Like A Splinter

sin like a splinterMy daughter, Ellie, got a splinter in her hand from the playground the other day.  Of course, she was trying to convince me that it wasn’t a problem, that I definitely didn’t need to touch it  and she would be fine to just leave it in.  Well that lasted about five minutes (tops) before I noticed she was using her other hand to grab anything. I quickly realized that it had to go.  After a good bit of tears and time, we eventually got it out.  Immediately, Ellie got relief and went on playing like it never even happened.

Sin and compromise can start out small and seem so insignificant, like a tiny splinter can, but yet, it can cause so much pain.  James 1:15 says, “…desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.”  Are you like me and make excuses?  I try to convince myself that it’s no big deal and it’s not hurting me or anyone.  So, I keep doing it.  An unforgiving heart, bitterness, anger, whatever it might be will eventually bring you harm.    

Fortunately, we have a good God who loves to forgive and welcome us back.  His arms are stretched out wide open for us.  Thankfully, repentance and God’s forgiveness are gifts that remove the “splinters” in our own hearts.  
