The Comparison Trap

A few weeks ago I was picking up my girls from school and one of them got in the car with tears in her eyes.  She had tried out for the math team and didn’t make it.  Her older sister, though, did make the team, and that started a discussion about why she couldn’t be like her sister. 

The Comparison TrapI have three girls who are completely unique and different from one another in looks, interests, and gifts.  One is sporty, one is theatrical, and the other is gifted academically.   This can make for some challenging days, trying to show each girl their uniqueness, God’s purpose for them, and convincing them not to compare themselves with one another. God has a master plan for each one of them.

We’ve all heard that saying that “comparison is the thief of joy,” and walking that statement out with my girls has made it very clear to me. My daughter’s ability to kick a ball gets overshadowed by her inability to easily ace a math test like her sister.  Comparing herself to her sister blocks her ability to see clearly how God has gifted her.

To be completely honest, how often do I do the same exact thing? I’m comparing my bank account, career, or size of my house with others and not seeing God’s blessings that are right in front of me.  James 1:17 says, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”

Maybe instead of asking why I don’t have the things or talents that someone else does I should be asking:

-           Is God in control? - Yes

-           Does God make mistakes? - NO

-           Does God have a plan for me and my life? – Yes
