JOY Stories



Walking through Infertility

As a young girl, I dreamed of motherhood. For years I was always the bridesmaid and never the bride until the Lord brought me the perfect man. In a whirlwind romance, we met and married within nine months. A couple of years into marriage, we began trying to grow our family. We found out that I had uterine fibroids, which are benign tumors of the uterus. Each month’s cycle was debilitatingly painful, and we then learned that the tumors could prevent my biggest dream—motherhood— from coming true.

In the nearly two years that followed, I cried many tears and attended many baby showers, aching with loneliness and the pain of a longing unfulfilled. About a year into the journey, my health was not improving. The Lord led me to an incredible specialist and I had a noninvasive procedure that would eliminate the tumors. A few months later, I also began seeing a naturopathic doctor to help prepare my body for conception.

Later that summer, my husband and I opened our home for the first time as foster parents. We had decided that it was time for us to act on what we felt He had told us to do—create a safe haven for children. This decision changed our entire live, as we have now cared for five children and want to continue to foster as long as He allows.

Labor Day weekend of 2018 is one I will never forget. That Saturday morning something told me to take a pregnancy test. When I did, it was positive! I could hardly believe my eyes. God had done what seemed impossible. He had opened my womb. But not only had He opened my womb, but also He had healed my heart.

While I walked through infertility, there were days when the enemy told me that my life was worthless if I could not be a mother. It was tempting to believe him. But God reminded me of the truth, and my non-traditional path to motherhood through foster care is something I would never change. I give thanks to Him for the two miracle babies He has allowed me to bring into this world, and I am also grateful for the children who do not share my DNA, but hold a very special place in this mother’s heart.

Photos for Jessica


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