JOY Stories

A True Miracle
I was let go from my job. But since I had multiple degrees, almost 20 years of work experience and am bilingual, my hope was to find work again fast. After months of unemployment, we had foreclosure letters on our table, I was parking my car at other people's homes so the repo man couldn't find it, and sometimes I would go a day or two without eating so my boys and wife could eat. I even stopped tithing to try and save money. I felt like I was letting my family down as a provider and letting God down as a believer. One morning, I had zero food in the fridge and zero money in the bank. I grabbed my keys and told God, "You have from when I get in this car to when I get to self-checkout to figure how YOU are going to pay for today's groceries."
I walked into Walmart and began to fill up a cart. When I got to checkout, I didn't have my wallet. I told the employee to watch my cart so I could check the bathroom. When I got back, SOMEONE HAD PAID FOR ALL MY GROCERIES! As I was leaving with tears in my eyes, a small older man called my name and touched my shoulder.
"Hey Miguel, how are ya?" I asked him if we had met but he said "No," that he didn’t even know my name until he touched my shoulder. He asked me if I believed in God and I told him "Of course." Then he asked me, "So why do you act as if God isn't seeing your struggles? Why do you act as if He isn't seeing your pain? He SEES you. He holds your tears, and your miracle is coming." Then he said, "By the way, I am the one who paid for your groceries, go take care of Alice, Caleb and Jariel." That is when I knew truly this was a miracle because those are the names of my wife and two boys!
My faith is stronger than it has ever been. I am still working on catching up on my bills, so it's not like everything is perfect. Sometimes people believe that miracles always end up with all the details perfectly ironed out. That's not necessarily true, but I have PEACE in my life now and I have DEPENDENCE on God again. Going through this season has changed my life forever.
Photos for Miguel

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