JOY Stories



Finding Calling

I walked to school no matter what the weather. We had no car or phone but my mother made arrangements for my brother and me to be picked up every Sunday and taken to church. Both my mother and my aunt were singers and would sing in front of the entire church on Sundays.

At 9 years of age, I really didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up. That was about to change. One day, I was walking to school in an absolute blizzard. I was a crossing guard and knew I had to get to my corner to ensure everyone could cross safely in this bad weather. All of a sudden, I heard a yelp from a siren. I looked up and saw the flashing lights of a police car. One of the officers rolled down his window and asked if I would like a ride. I was a little frightened, being in the back seat of a police car, but the two officers were so nice and made me feel welcome and safe. That was when I knew what I wanted to do with my life.

My mother passed away when I was 18 years old and I remember it hurting so much. My mother was always positive and saw the good in people. After she passed, I tried to do the same thing. I wanted to make her proud. She told me that I could make a difference if I put God first and that God would fight my battles for me. I saw time after time how God fought my battles for me and kept me moving forward. While going to school to become a police officer, I also became a volunteer fireman and an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). I finished my schooling and was hired by a local police department. I know that God has me right where he wants me. Every call I go on, I say a prayer for those involved, something I call a “Spot Prayer”. It is a short, quick prayer that I say for those hurting or in need. God has NEVER failed me. God also put The JOY FM on my radar and I’ve been listening for over 25 years. To me, being a representative of God is much more than talk. It is how I live my life each day.

Photos for Tom


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