The Morning Cruise Replay - In Solidarity

Thursday, September 05, 2024

We are praying in solidarity with the people of Winder, Georgia and Apalachee High School in the wake of yesterday's tragedy. As we spent time throughout the show discussing the shooting and coming together in community and praying, we also found common ground with recent weather events and the anticipation of Fall, how a condiment company is lending a helping hand to gamers, how our JOY FM listening family can be with us in solidarity during Sharathon, space enthusiasts having a double launch day, and Carmen getting a quick response to her latest technology issue. 

00:32 Apalachee High School Shooting 

03:17 More on the tragedy 

08:30 How community comes together 

12:56 Revivals on college campuses 

15:45 weather issues 

20:39 When Fall will come 

23:54 Heinz dipping sauce robot for gamers

28:56 Take It All Back in the wake of Apalachee

32:39 Sharathon 

36:07 Sharathon response

37:22 Prayers After A School Shooting 

42:20 Thankful for a listening family 

45:27 Astronaut allergic to moon dust 

49:03 FaceTime Problem Solved 

52:21 Bill's BIG Word

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