The Morning Cruise Replay - Coming Soon...

Friday, November 22, 2024

We had a lot of movie talk on the show today after we shared our conversation with Mac Powell from Monday (listen to the full interview HERE). Some of the movies we discussed are coming soon to a theatre near you. Other movies have been out for a long time, like Grease. But, in the case of that film, the jacket that Olivia Newton-John wore on-screen, is coming to an auction house soon and is expected to bring in some big dollars! 

Titanic was another movie that captured the hearts of many and Dave told us that a piece of memoribilia from that time in history was just auctioned off this weekend. 

Tony Campolo, a Baptist pastor, author and speaker passed away recently. Carmen told us the story of when she heard him speak and a man asked for prayer in need of financial assistance. He said he would not pray for that, but rather for obedience from others in attendance, and soon enough he had gathered the money needed to pay rent. 

Christmas music will be coming soon to the airwaves of The JOY FM. One song you will hear during that time comes from Darren Mulligan of We Are Messengers. 

While Thanksgiving is less than a week away now, Carmen needed to clarify for some that it is on the 4th Thursday of November every year. 

It's a big movie weekend. One anticipated movie is Wicked, adapted from the book and musical. But AMC theatres has already asked patrons to refrain from singing in order to make it an enjoyable moviegoing experience for all. 

Also coming to theatres this weekend, is "Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy. Assassin." Carley Boyette had the chance to sit down with the writer and director of the film which also features a new song from Lauren Daigle. 

And Christmas can't come soon enough for many. That list might include Carmen, who is considering putting up her Christmas tree. 

00:32 Grease Jacket Auction 

03:59 Titanic auction 

08:13 Tony Campolo story 

14:21 Christmas music 

18:56 Thanksgiving is 4th Thursday 

24:19 AMC Theatres - don't sing during Wicked 

27:51 text about Wicked 

28:32 Carley Boyette with Todd Komarnicki on Bonhoeffer 

31:38 reactions to Lauren Daigle's song 

32:04 Carmen may put up her Christmas tree 

35:00 Bill's BIG Word

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