The Morning Cruise Replay - Pulling Through

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Helping us pull through the season of Advent, Bill  shared some devotional thoughts. 

Dave's got a delivery truck pulling up to his house later today with packages. Here's to hoping that it's still on the porch when he gets home. 

Carmen is pulling her weight plus some extra with the help of a weighted vest on her walks now. 

Would you pull a stick of deodorant off the shelf and add to your cart if it smelled like donuts? 

Bill found a coffee table book that he might pull as a gift for Dave. 

Carmen shared an ad from Apple that will definitely pull at the "heartstrings" 

Dave's christmas tree lights pulled through after some repair work yesterday. 

Going through the Christmas season, it is important to focus on the meaning behind giving gifts rather than focusing on the materialism associated with the season. As you are pulling gifts off the shelf, Carmen has 4 categories for you to keep in mind when shopping for you kids. 


00:32 Mary's song in the margins 

03:39 Dave's deliveries 

03:57 Carmen's weighted vest 

10:03 Texts and ankle weights 

11:58 More texts 

16:02 Dunkin x Native Donut Deodorant

20:11 McAtlas 

24:12 Apple heartstrings ad 

27:34 Bill's reaction to ad 

28:15 Foot switch on tree bypass 

31:27 Texts 

34:48 Giving gifts not materialism 

40:18 4 Gift Types for Each Kid 

44:01 Bill's BIG Word

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