The Morning Cruise Replay - Miss Much

Monday, January 06, 2025

We're back after the Christmas/ New Year's break! Did you miss us much? 

One of our first texts this morning made sure we didn't miss the Guideposts devotional for today which mentions the radio station. 

We spent some time recap our time spent on the holiday break. Dave had plans to go to Louisiana but had to miss out when his wife needed to make another trip to the hospital. 

Bill has missed going to the gym as he went through physical therapy. But now he needs an excuse to encourage himself to go. 

If you haven't started a Bible reading plan for 2025 yet, you haven't missed much. We've got a few suggestions for you to help get your spiritual health in order for 2025. 

If you missed the Buccaneers game, you missed an exciting win and witnessing Mike Evans make history on the very last play. 

As Dave and his wife had to cancel their plans to visit with family out of state, Dave wasn't all that upset that he had to miss out on family photos. 

Bill and his wife were very intentional about not missing out on the 12 Days of Christmas as they've spent time each night reflecting on the time. 

As of January 1st, Carmen has officially gone sugar free for the last year and she surely doesn't miss it! 

Carmen also shared a quote from D.A. Carson that looks at what we miss out on when we drift from a relationship with God. 

The U.S. no longer needs to be worried about murder hornets and Bill doesn't miss the "squatter wasps" he had to deal with. 

If you missed the once-in-a-lifetime experience of seeing the Northern lights, there is still a chance this year! 


00:32 We're back! Find us on socials! 

01:18 Guideposts Devotional mentions us! 

04:00 Holiday Break Recap 

07:00 Dave's holiday at home 

12:05 Bill needs excuses to go to gym

16:15 spiritual health - Bible reading plans 

20:52 Bucs win - Mike Evans gets 1K yards! 

28:59 winter weather outlook 

30:59 Dave misses out on family photos 

34:32 Bill observing 12 Days of Christmas 

38:14 1 year of sugar-free for Carmen 

43:12 D.A. Carson quote 

48:39 murder hornets and squatter wasps 

52:31 Northern lights southern exposure later this year 

54:58 Bill's BIG Word

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