The Morning Cruise Replay - Small Change

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Bill got us started this morning with some thoughts from Paul David Tripp's Everyday Gospel and Abraham. 

Carmen recently got a check back in the mail, but the amount is so small she's still trying to figure out what to do with it. 

A small change is happening to Paige Brown's Bible study this winter as it is only scheduled to happen for 3 weeks. 

Looking to make some changes with your habits? Try the 20-second rule 

A small change was made on the national level on Christmas Eve when the government officially recognized the bald eagle as the national bird. 

Carmen's daughter was gifted a small amount of sourdough starter for Christmas and she is definitely in her sourdough era now. 

Dave gave us a small update on Emilie. 

If you need a devotional for 2025, we're working our way through several. 

Getting in shape in 2025? Try a few of these small changes from Dr. James DiNicolantonio. 

Bill had a few small stories leftover from 2024 that he wanted to share. 

With the cold weather impacting much of the country, snowball fights are happening in some places. But, in other places, you'll need to have a no-snow snowball fights. 


00:32 Everyday Gospel Abraham Story 

04:16 Your Only Son 

07:16 Cash $1.86 check? 

12:23 Part 2 

14:18 note from listener 

16:10 Paige Brown this season 

19:54 20 second rule and habits 

23:13 Eagle is national bird 

27:05 What is a mammal? 

29:31 Abbey's sourdough era 

35:08 Emilie update 

37:40 TMC Devotional books 

40:24 Getting in shape in 2025 

45:11 Positive stories from 2024 

50:05 no-snow snowball fights 

54:07 Bill's BIG Word 

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