The Morning Cruise Replay - Go A Different Way

Thursday, January 09, 2025

While Carmen and Dave wish some of the college football season had gone a little differently, they are trying to figure out who to root for now. 

We're certainly praying for the folks in California as they find their way around the wildfires. 

Bill had some thoughts on God's ways versus our own ways. 

Carmen shared an Instagram post from a friend that had a different take on starting the new year with 15 traits that require zero talent. 

You might go about grocery shopping in a different way when you hear how a European tactic is becoming popular. 

We're certainly thankful that a scam attempt against our coworker didn't go a different way and she recognized the scam before she lost any money. While we weren't sure what would have happened next, Ned was able to fill in the holes for us. 

If you purchase a gift card online, make sure you go directly to the seller rather than the way of a 3rd party seller as it may turn out to be a scam. 

Dave's glad he got a call from his wife to go out of his way to pick up some enchiladas from a friend for dinner. 


00:32 College Football Playoffs 

04:38 California Fires 

08:28 God's ways, not our ways 

11:02 15 Traits That Require Zero Talent 

17:34 Part 2 

23:16 European Grocery Shopping 

28:24 Coworker was scammed 

30:25 Kelly Hunter - Jury Duty Scam 

40:09 red flags of scam 

44:14 call from Ned 

49:02 3rd Party Gift Card Scam 

53:34 Enchiladas 

56:28 College Football Championships 

1:00:24 Bill's BIG Word


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