The Morning Cruise Replay - Failure To Launch

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

While Dave is excited for the latest NASA mission to the moon which launched in the early morning hours, he's also excited for us to launch the new building so he can add a few pieces of space memoribilia to his office. 

Bill launched a new contest with his "Wild Card Word Wednesday" and that reminded Carmen of a recent fail we had with our phone lines over a contest at Christmas. 

Carmen has begun doing research on Maine as she considers it as a summer vacation spot and wanted your help in navigating where she should go. 

With the recent launch of our new weekend on-air lineup, Carmen tasked Jules with writing a new bio for herself. When Carmen read the bio, her curiosity was piqued and she wanted to know what happened to Jules at an Arby's back in May 2003. 

Jules being the prankster that she is, also took advantage of a fail by a restaurant to gift Cotton with a large banner that has to be hung in her office for the next year. 

We are excited for the launch of Paige Brown's new Bible study on Ruth which starts today! Well...mostly Bill confessed he wasn't all that thrilled by the idea but then learned that his church would be launching their own study on the book of Ruth as well! 

00:32 Moon Mission 

05:41 Gold foil from Apollo 11 

11:24 Wild Card Word Wednesday 

14:35 Free For All Friday Fail 

19:33 Carmen wants to know all about Maine 

23:46 Emilie's recommendations and text responses

25:55 Jules - Arby's 2003 

30:40 Jules - Panera Banner 

34:32 Paige Brown Study starts today! 

37:13 Bill's confession 

39:25 Bill's BIG Word

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