I was the sheep who was lost

You know that story about the sheep that was lost? The one where the shepherd leaves the ninety-nine to find the one who is missing (Luke 15:3-7, NIV)? Once upon a time, that was me. I was introduced to this radio ministry the day after I was ‘found,’ and it has been an important part of my life as a follower of Jesus ever since.

As Director of Support for your station, my job involves a lot of statistics and percentages. During Sharathon, I’m the behind the scenes coordinator of chaos! But more than that, I’m passionate about supporting the ministry of this station. When you give, you’re the answer to these questions found in Romans 10:14 (TLB): “But how shall they ask Him to save them unless they believe in Him? And how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him? And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them?” YOU are that someone who tells them about Jesus when you support this station.

So, when you hear us issuing challenges, giving totals, and updating our Sharathon progress, know that every partner counted and dollar raised, every percentage shared, represents someone who will be encouraged and reminded that they are loved by Jesus.

I know money is tight for many these days … but when you give, God will use it to reach someone with the right song, word, or prayer at just the right time. If you’ve been that person in the past, maybe it was months or years ago … or maybe even today, will you give your best gift to make that moment possible for someone else?

Sharathon starts Tuesday, but you can help with our running start today. I already made my gift. Will you make yours?