Your Gift Has Impact!
I just kept asking God why?
If it wasn't for your station, I don't know where I would be right now. My son passed away Feb 15, 2015 in a tragic four-wheeler accident. I just kept asking God why?
Siri Call The Prayer Line
Imagine three young sisters, alone and afraid, in a hotel crying out and asking Siri on their cell phone for a prayer line. And ours, the one that is made possible because people like you give, was the one that Siri recommended.
A grateful service member
I’ve listened to your station via the app in multiple countries to include The United States, Korea, Kuwait, Egypt, and Afghanistan.
Judge Ginny listens
I play your station in my office daily. The music and encouragement heard by my staff makes our office a much more calming and pleasant work environment.
Mom, can we listen to my station?
My 13 year old son is the reason I continue to support your station. He uses his Alexa nightly to play your station to fall asleep.
I had an epiphany
I typically listen to your station when I'm in the car but had it on Country instead one day. I quickly realized the topics and commercials were not uplifting and frankly were quite the opposite.
Incredible Impact
My radio has not changed for roughly the past year. This station has an incredible impact on my daily life spiritually and mentally.
My parents and I thank you
Thank you for what you all do through and for our Father God. And Thank you for all your motivation/inspiration with your words/prayers/songs.